School Story:
It's funny what you remember from those days. I was so worried for the world - Viet Nam and all. But the good days were great. My sophomore year was wonderful. As a member of the Girls Service Club, I got to hang out with upperclassmen and do fun stuff. Football games, wrestling matches were so much fun. Remember the loss to Blair when we buried the player at the bottom of the back field? We were all crying like it was the end of the world.
Junior year is pretty much a blur except for Choir and Mr. Wenhold. Great times, great friends. Senior year, although we lost Mr. Wenhold, was unbelievable with Madrigals and Choir. AND the Senior play - Bye Bye Birdie. My kids' school did it one year. What a blast from the past. Two of my children are awesome singers, much better than their mom. And both are classically trained.
Back to NHS. Our choir trip to NY was probably the highlight of my senior year. The class trip was fun, but NYC was awesome. It was my first trip to the Big Apple. Do you remember when we sang at the "Met?"
The photos of our class trip are hilarious and I remember how worried I was that my parents would be horrified by the photos of Kathy Fowler and Tuffy Svercek kissing on the bed in our room! Of course, you could see her laughing during but I was so uptight!
I still love to look at my yearbooks. Remembering walking to school, and down the halls seems like a dream, all fuzzy like. It was so long ago.
I regret not going to the reunions. I would have loved to see everyone, but visiting this web site can really take me back...
Thanks to all, especially Roy, who made this possible and please keep it going.